I want to invite you to dream big and launch out unto to fulfill those dreams. Your own journey of faith will take you far from the shores of convenience, comfort and safety. God has so much in store for each one of us, yet that reality remains but a distant rumor to many.
As we step out, we will discover God as our Father and our true identity as a son or daughter. It is out of this identity that true greatness is found. Many aspire to do great things and assume that this is the basis and foundation of greatness.
Be Great reverses that thought - we are great because we are a child of God. Out of that place of honor, we are free to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. And if the Holy Spirit leads us, we will do great things even if we are hidden from the view and applause of others.

Because our faith journey is primarily relational with God, and not duty driven, we will begin to lay aside any performance-based style of relating to God. This frees us from the heavy weight of attempting to keep commands in order to be found worthy in God’s sight. Boredom likewise can be vanquished because walking by faith is an adventure.
I have designed Be Great to lay out the themes in a manner that they are easily understood. Embedded within the chapters are the tools that we need to full walk out our faith. I rely upon the Word of God to be the underlying basis for all that I have written.
Be Great will lead you along less trodden pathways to the very core and center of God, His plan and purpose. This is no mere theory. It follows the path that I have lived out for over 46 years. It is tried and true.